AssetWise ALIM Linear Referencing Services Help

Edit Group of Groups

You can edit an existing Group of Groups (GoG) by any of these methods:
  1. When in Spatial Edit Mode:
    1. Click the Edit Group of Groups button and select the layer.

    2. Click the group geometry you want to edit. The radial context menu will appear.
    3. Click the Show Attributes button.
  2. Select the Group geometry from the map using any of the available selection methods (select by point, rectangle, polygon, and Quick or Advanced Search).
    1. Click the Show Details button to open the GoG Attribute form.

To add and/or remove members to/from the Group of Groups:

  1. Switch to the Sub-groups tab.

  2. Click the Add Members button . You can minimize the attributes dialog so that it doesn't obscure the map view while you are selecting members to add.
  3. In the map view, drag the selection box around the members to be added.
  4. The Feature Results dialog opens, displaying a list of all of the elements that were included in the selection. Only elements that are eligible to be added to the group will be displayed here. Check the box next to each element to be added and click Add .

  5. The members are added to the group of groups. Note that when adding members to Groups of Groups, the layer won't be updated automatically. You must run the process "Group of Groups Theme Refresh" in exor for the changes to become visible.
  6. To remove a member from the group of groups, click to highlight it in the list on the Sub-groups tab, then click the Delete button . The End-Date dialog appears.

  7. Select/enter the end-date and click the End-Date button.

    When a group member is end dated, it is removed from the group but is not itself end-dated.